CUBIQ Desktop
Powerful, visual analytics for your desktop. Create rich, interactive reports, explore your data and extract insights – fast.
Analysis made easy
All your data at your fingertips, ready to be analyzed.
Easy to build analysis
Author reports and analysis easily with an easy to use drag and drop interface will feel familiar for all Excel users – yet more powerful when it comes to working with your data. Cubes deliver data organized into dimensions and measures modeled after your business for fast slice and dice operations. With additional calculated measures, you will be sure to find everything you need to support your analysis.
Analysis operations:
- New analysis (connect to a data cube and start analyzing)
- Save analysis (save analysis to a file for later)
- Export (export to one of many available formats like Excel)
- Edit properties (edit analysis details like title, description etc.)
- Share (coming soon)
Dig Deeper Into Data
Cubiq desktop uses cubes to provide a user-friendly, easy to understand perspective on top of your data. This environment is highly suitable for interactive analysis and enables you to dig deeper into data and find information, insights, and patterns without the need to code.
Operations supported:
- Pivot (selection and placement of data items)
- Rotate (transpose rows and columns)
- Single/Bulk Filter (selection of active items)
- Top/Bottom filter (dynamic top/bottom style filtering)
- Drill-Down/Up (moving up and down a hierarchy)
- Drill-Through (moving to the lowest level of the fact)
Visual analytics
Interact and visualize your data with via available widgets:
- Grid (matrix style grid with rows, columns and data values)
- Chart (full blown charting widget)
- TreeMap (visual analysis of hierarchical data)
- GeoMap (geographical maps – coming soon)
Integrated Data Refresh
Integrated data service provides a hassle-free way to update your cubes after a scheduled refresh. Just a single click to update all your cubes so you can always have the latest information and continue your analysis.
Full service business intelligence. Simple, affordable analytics for everyone.